I usually do book haul posts in the weekends, but since we moved to our rented apartment on Saturday, I had no time to share with you all the new beauties I received/purchased. My posts are scarce these days because we don't have internet in the flat yet (that will change next Tuesday). I can't wait to be able to blog from the new place too!
Received as a Gift:
Last Firday was my brithday and my sweet boyfriend surprised me with two books:
Title: IT
Author: Stephen King
This book is huge. It's over 1300 pages long and will take some time to get through it but I can't wait to tackle it. We'd like to watch the new movie with David too, once I'm finished with the novel.
The other title I received from my beau is a Hungarian one, A Rudnay Gyilkosságok (Ambróczy Báró Estei #2) by Gyula Böszörményi. It's the second book in a detective series that is set in Budapest in the beginning of the 1900s. Unfortunately as far as I know it is not translated to English yet.
Even though my packing space was limited, I couldn't pass on the opportunity of buying at least one book in London.
Title: The Color Purple
Author: Alice Walker
I bought The Color Purple in the huge Waterstones near Piccadilly Circus. Now that's a place that is hard to leave after you entered...
Title: Time Crawlers
Author: Varun Sayal
I received this book from its author. It's a sci-fi short story collection, with stories from parallel universes. Sounds fascinating.
This is all for now, see you all again soon!